Credit Expo 2023 | Dinsdag 7 november | 1931 ‘s-Hertogenbosch
Seminar: AiVidens | Tijd: 13:30 – 14:00 | Dexter 28
Spreker: Edouard Beauvois, CEO AiVidens

Leveraging Data for Financial Success: Mastering Credit & Collection Management Strategies

Ready to take charge of your financial destiny? Join us for a transformative credit & collection management presentation that will empower you with the keys to financial success. Our expert insights will demystify the use of data and algorithms, reveal new strategies for improving your working capital and show you how to quickly start with what you have. Discover the new methods to reducing risk and overdue, improving credit and collection management operational efficiency and optimizing your cash forecast. Don’t miss this opportunity to gain knowledge that will help you contribute to the financial well-being of your company.

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