Credit Expo 2022 | Dinsdag 8 november | 1931 ‘s-Hertogenbosch
Seminar: Provenir | 14:15 – 15:00 | Dexter 28 | Taal: Engels
Spreker: Waldemar Faltenberg, Regional Manager Northern Europe Provenir
Provenir is Silver Partner van Credit Expo 2022
“Transforming Credit Decisioning with Simplified Data Access and AI”
The financial services landscape is shifting, rapidly. Consumers have increasingly demanding expectations, including instant credit approvals, rapid onboarding, and personalised offers. Seventy-six percent of consumers expect customised offers and pricing, and 80% of consumers rank speed as a key buying factor. There is no shortage of data available to the industry, yet many financial institutions struggle with data integration and AI adoption that deliver value to the customer. During this discussion, you’ll gain insight into trends shaping the future of the industry and how many providers plan to deliver a high level of responsiveness and the best customer experiences by adding new sources of data and deploying the right predictive models. Discover how real-time data and AI-powered risk decisioning can improve accuracy, expand your customer base, identify fraud, optimise pricing, and enable more personalised offers.
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